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It has been 41 years since my graduation from Eastern Christian School. Last year, June came and went without a reunion to mark the 40 year milestone. Honestly, I never gave it a thought. I returned to NJ after college and have lived here for the past 35 years. I have served on various committees at Eastern Christian and on both the Operating and Foundation Boards of Directors. Despite those connections, I had lost sight of many of the things that made Eastern Christian so important to me.
Then, in September of 2014 I came to work full-time at Eastern Christian School. As Executive Director of the Foundation for ECSA, I reconnected in ways I never did as a volunteer or even as a parent of two EC grads. I began to attend chapel and witness the Spirit moving among the students and faculty; I spend time in the hallways and see students interacting with friends and having fun; I walk through the cafeteria (and yes, I even buy my lunch there) and see a community. And it all helps me remember. I remember that for twelve years I was part of a community here at Eastern Christian School. I was taught, encouraged, and even disciplined (once or twice) in this place. I made friends here. I grew up and matured (or at least began to mature) here. My faith began to form here. This place, this school was a critical influence in the person I am today. I realized that coming to work here was not just finding a new job that I loved; it was a little like “coming home.”
Click here for full 2015 Homecoming info
Now I want you to experience a bit of what I have. I want you to “come home” again, even just for a few days. I’m hoping that the good memories, the “happy thoughts” will come back to you. On October 23-25 we are hosting EC Homecoming. The weekend is packed with activities including the 1st Annual EC5K, several sporting events, a family BBQ, and a Sunday brunch. Plus, there will be campus tours, a class reunion, and opportunities to meet with your former classmates, friends, and faculty.
I hope you’ll “come home” to Eastern Christian and reconnect. Watch for details in the summer edition of The Herald and through our social media outlets. I hope to see you here.